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The FNSB's Trail Advisory Commission (TAC) is serving as the Trail Plan Update's steering committee. TAC Meeting & Work Session agendas, meeting materials, and summaries will be shared on this page.  For more information, including TAC meeting minutes, please see their Borough Commission Page.

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TAC Meeting 1

February 8, 2021

This meeting and work session kicked off the start of the Comprehensive Recreational Trails Plan Update:


TAC Work Session 1.1

February 24, 2021

This work session focused on Inventory & Trail Issues Identification in the system generally north and west of the Steese Hwy:

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TAC Work Session 1.2

March 1, 2021

This work session focused on Inventory & Trail Issues Identification in the system generally south and east of the Steese Hwy:

TAC Meeting 2

April 5, 2021

This meeting will review the data collected to date and work to draft a Plan vision, identify goals, objectives and actionable strategies to achieve them.

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TAC Meeting 2.1

April 14, 2021

This meeting will continue the work started at the April 5th meeting. The TAC will review and analyze the existing, adopted goals and policies of the 1985/2006 Trails Plan.

TAC Meeting 2.2

May 4, 2021

This TAC & Public work session will work to draft a Plan vision, identify goals, and objectives for the updated Plan. The public will review & build on what TAC members identified during the last two meetings

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TAC Meeting 3

June 7th, 2021

The TAC will review preliminary results of the Trail Use Survey and trail inventory, conform the draft vision, goals and objectives for the Plan update, and begin identifying future priority trail corridors

TAC Meeting 4

July 7, 2021

This TAC work session will work to develop a process for identifying priority future trails and projects to be recommended in the updated Trails Plan.

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TAC Meeting 5.1

October 25, 2021

The TAC & attending Public will review and provide input on the many miles of draft trail recommendations for the North and West areas of the FNSB. At Meeting 5.2 on November 22nd, the South and Ease areas will be discussed.


TAC Meeting 5.2

November 22, 2021

The TAC & attending Public will review and provide input on the many miles of draft trail recommendations for the North and West areas of the FNSB. At Meeting 5.2 on November 22nd, the South and Ease areas will be discussed.

Webinar ID: 160 002 0060

Passcode: 724057

Telephone: 833-568-8864

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TAC Meeting 6

January 24th, 2022

The TAC will hold a work session to review and provide input on the system-wide Draft Recommendations and Implementation Strategies. These draft recommendations and strategies are intended to advance the Plan's vision, goals and guiding principles. 

Webinar ID: 161 096 3543

Passcode: 380997

Telephone: 833-568-8864

TAC Meeting 7

May 23, 2022

The TAC & attending Public will review and provide input on the Draft Comprehensive Recreational Trails Plan, including updated draft trail recommendations for the FNSB. 

East Side Recommendations Map DRAFTCapture.JPG
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TAC Meeting 7.1

June 27th, 2022

The TAC will hold a work session to continue to review and provide input on the Public Review Draft Comprehensive Recreational Trails Plan, including draft trail recommendations for the FNSB.

Webinar ID: 161 525 3665

Passcode: 740644

Telephone: 833-568-8864

TAC Meeting 8

RESCHEDULED to August 1, 2022

The TAC will meet to discuss and recommend to the Planning Commission and Borough Assembly the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Recreational Trails Plan.


Due to power outages caused by high winds, the July 25th TAC meeting was cancelled and rescheduled. The meeting will take place on Monday, August 1st at 12 PM Noon.


Sign up for testimony in advance at the FNSB Boards & Commission page. If you are unable to attend the public comment period, please use the online contact form on the Commission page.


Webinar ID: 160 898 4148

Passcode: 535963

Telephone: 833-568-8864

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Planning Commission Public Hearing

September 13, 2022

The Planning Commission held a public hearing to make recommendations to the Borough Assembly regarding the Comprehensive Recreational Trails Plan. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend to the FNSB Assembly adoption of Ordinance No 2022-47 adopting the updated Trail Plan as an element of the FNSB Regional Comprehensive Plan.


Platting Board Public Hearing

September 21, 2022

The Platting Board held a public hearing to make recommendations to the Borough Assembly regarding the Comprehensive Recreational Trails Plan. The Platting Board voted unanimously to recommend to the FNSB Assembly adoption of Ordinance No 2022-47 adopting the updated Trail Plan as an element of the FNSB Regional Comprehensive Plan.


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Assembly Public Hearing

November 10, 2022

The FNSB Assembly held a public hearing on the adoption of Ordinance No 2022-47 adopting the updated Trail Plan as an element of the FNSB Regional Comprehensive Plan. After lengthy public testimony, public comment was closed and Assembly debate began.

The Assembly moved to postpone further debate and voting until February 23, 2023.


Salcha Community Open House & Q&A

February 17, 2023

FNSB Parks staff will hold an additional open house event to answer questions about the Trail Plan. This event is for outreach and information sharing and is not intended to influence planning recommendations as a final draft plan is currently being considered by the FNSB Assembly. The Assembly is scheduled to continue debate and vote on Ordinance 2022-47 on February 23, 2023.


Salcha Senior Center

6062 Johnson Road, Salcha, AK 99714

Door open 6:00 PM- 8:00 PM

Browse planning documents and maps

Ask questions of staff


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Assembly Meeting

February 23rd, 2022

The Assembly will continue debate on the draft updated Trails Plan.


The Assembly moved to refer the Trails Plan to the Platting Board for their recommendation to be due back to the Assembly on June 8th, 2023.


Platting Board Work Session

April 19th, 2023

The Platting Board will hold a work session about the Assembly's referral of the draft updated Trails Plan for Platting Board's recommendations on trail dedication and mapping.


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Platting Board Public Hearing

May 17th, 2023

The FNSB Platting Board will hold a public hearing on recommendations to the Assembly regarding the adoption of Ordinance No 2022-47 adopting the updated Trail Plan as an element of the FNSB Regional Comprehensive Plan. 


The Platting Board moved to make 5 recommendations to the FNSB Assembly.


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Assembly Meeting

June 8th, 2022 @ 6:00PM

The Assembly will hear the Platting Board's recommendations and continue debate and voting on the adoption of the updated Trails Plan, Ordinance 2022-47 under Unfinished Business item 14.a.




Public comment can be sent in writing to the Assembly. Verbal testimony, in person or via phone, must be given during agenda item 6.a. "Citizen's Comments." As this is a continuation of previous debate, there will not be public hearing for this item.



Reconvened Assembly Meeting

June 20th, 2023

The June 8th Assembly meeting ran too late and will be reconvened June 20th. The Assembly will heard the Platting Board's recommendations and continued debate and voting on the adoption of the updated Trails Plan, Ordinance 2022-47 under Unfinished Business item 14.a.




Public comment can be sent in writing to the Assembly. Verbal testimony took place on June 8th. As is a continuation of previous debate, there will not be public hearing for this item.



The Assembly voted 6-2 in favor of passing Ordinance No. 2022-47 to adopt the 2023 Comprehensive Recreational Trails Plan! Thanks!​

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